15 August 2024

On giving credit and acknowledging your team's work

It takes a good high-functioning team to build innovative software and digital experiences. When a company releases new work, the norm is to credit it all to a coveted leader or the founders. Rarely do I see the names of the team members mentioned and this culture should change in the Indian technology ecosystem.

I believe that  putting the team forward by giving rightful credit publicly or internally in weekly team/company updates goes a long way. It's an important leadership quality, to acknowledge and give credit to the team at the right time. Recognizing an individual's effort is useful for the long-term growth of the team and the organization.


When you make your team's work visible, it helps keep their morale high and motivated. This also brings a sense of ownership to the team. When felt valued, they are likely to stay longer in the organization.

This behaviour percolates top down, creating a culture where everyone appreciates each other. Building camaraderie, creating a desirable workplace environment, and keeping the team much more engaged and productive.

The culture of giving credit & acknowledgement leaves a good impression in the industry and helps attract good talent.

If you look outside technology, this is quite common as a practice. In cinema, the credit roll shows everyone's name. In books, there's an acknowledgement section mentioning the editors  involved. Even in tech, established design studios worldwide put names next to their work. For some reason, this practice is missing in India.


I mention one's exceptional work in weekly catch-ups or town halls. Highlighting among the larger team brings in public recognition. If it isn't possible then, I make sure to praise people individually. Such small gestures help  show the team that their efforts are valued.

When talking about the work publicly such as a big release or a case study. It's always a good idea to mention each individual and their role in the work. A common practice among notable studios, this small thing adds to what makes them good. It's also a great way to let a team member lead a big announcement. At Apple's conference employees to talk about new features across platforms.

One doesn't become a leader with the position. It’s about how you behave with your team too. The habit of regularly bringing your team forward makes you a better leader and a human. Inculcating the culture across the organization is a big win one should strive for.